Dr has Labour candidate appointment

Local GP and national health and charity champion Dr Zahid Chauhan will be interviewed tomorrow (Monday 8th May) for the Labour candidature for the crucial General Election seat of Rochdale.

Buoyed by the tremendous encouragement he has received from residents since announcing his intention to stand, the good Doctor will meet Labour grandees and outline how he can deliver victory in a constituency that could be a barometer for Labour’s performance in the June 8th poll.

If selected, the local doctor, who provides out-of-hours emergency medical support for the people of Rochdale and offers priceless healthcare advice in local and national papers, has promised to help a future Labour government to:

  • Take urgent action to save our NHS
  • Heal the divisions within communities caused by right-wing racist hatred
  • Give a major injection to local and national economies by investing in business and,
  • Soothe the plight of the most vulnerable in our society – including older folks, working people struggling to make ends meet, and the homeless.

In fact, the physician and politician has just outlined his policies on helping those living on the streets in this video:

Said Dr Chauhan: “As a GP working every day in Rochdale, I have a unique insight into what issues mean most to people at grass roots level.  They express their concerns about cuts to health and social care, not having enough money to feed and clothe their families, the shortage in housing, the need for job creation and worries about disunity in our communities. Only Labour can help create a better Britain and as someone trained and experienced in caring for others, I am determined to a powerful advocate for my constituents and ensure a sense of equality and social justice is brought back to our country.”

Aside from being voter-focused, Dr Chauhan is also keen to make sure that his campaign is positive and free of smears and petty attacks on opponents’. “What I and my colleagues in Labour are about, are strong policies that improve the lives of everyone – from Deeplish to Littleborough and Newhey to Spotland  – and it strikes me that already in this election, others are resorting to name calling and inaccuracies just to win votes. That wasn’t my way in the successful campaigns I have organised for other leading Labour politicians. Let this be the fair, progressive, truthful and optimistic election campaign that the people of the fine borough of Rochdale richly deserve – so that they make the right choice for themselves and their families.”

Honoured by major health bodies such as Pulse for his healthcare campaigning and charities for his work championing good causes, Dr Chauhan has been a highly effective Labour councillor – increasing his party’s majority in his ward. Leading Labour figures have relied upon him as a trusted confidant and sought his expertise on health and social care. A family man with three children, Dr Chauhan has received stunning support from all areas of the local borough – including the Kashmiri-Pakistani community – since throwing his hat into the ring. He has held meetings over the last four days with residents (sometimes in their homes) from diverse communities and Labour members.

He concluded: “Having worked so long in Rochdale with people sometimes facing the biggest crises of their lives, I would be humbled and honoured to serve this diverse and hopeful community. I promise everyone that if selected, I will leave no stone unturned in my quest to make this a thriving, safe beacon of a borough that the rest of Britain will look to for inspiration.”

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For further information

Please contact 0759 202 8142 or email [email protected]

Pictured is Dr Zahid Chauhan

To learn more about Dr Chauhan’s work as a campaigner for equality, social justice and good healthcare for all, visit www.zahidchauhan.co.uk